WHAT we do

Our Work
The mission of ACAC is to prevent and end homelessness and food insecurity through providing direct service and leadership in collaborative community efforts.
ACAC operates an Emergency Shelter, Empowerment Center and a Community Kitchen (Joe's Diner), ACAC seeks to provide basic needs as well as resources and case management support in order to meet social, educational, health, and other needs of the hungry and homeless in the surrounding community. In addition, we work with several community partners to provide services to shelter guests during their stay, and continued support once they have exited the shelter.
ACAC operates an emergency shelter, open 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a week that provides temporary shelter stays for homeless men, women, and children in Alamance County. The shelter provides dormitory-style lodging for single guests, and more private spaces for families.
ACAC provides shelter, food, and access to clothing and other material goods, as well as specialized services and individualized support to enable the individuals and families that seek our assistance to become self-sufficient.
Data compiled by local and state agencies indicates that while there is no housing shortage in Alamance County, there is a serious shortage of quality affordable housing for low-income groups. ACAC is working to combat this problem by using Coordinated Intake, Rapid Re-housing, and other proven housing solutions.
Meals & Emergency Food
ACAC operates a weekday lunch and dinner meal program for shelter residents and community members, while also providing breakfast daily for shelter residents. The program relies almost entirely on donations of food, funds, and supplies from local individuals, community organizations, and churches. Volunteers provide the labor needed daily to run the kitchen.
Our community lunch and dinner meals are served five days a week and welcomes all who are hungry, without restrictions, and will not turn anyone away based on their address, age, or gender. It is the largest feeding program in the county, providing immediate services and assistance to the food insecure and hungry.
Alamance County is located in one of the largest regions of food insecurity in the nation, therefore this was an extreme emergency. Job and Education Related Services
ACAC operates an Empowerment Center each weekday. The Center provides services for community members and shelter residents, including phone and computer access, assistance with job searches and writing resumes, and referrals for employment and housing, food, health services, and other needs.
For those needs not met with Center resources, ACAC directs individuals to partner organizations, including The Department of Social Services, Cardinal Innovations, Residential Treatment Services and Alamance Community College. The overarching purpose of the Center is to help those experiencing homelessness make the transition from the streets back to mainstream society.
As the only center for those in housing crisis in our region, ACAC provides immediate, crisis intervention services for all who enter our doors. Over time, our staff and residents build relationships to help them get connected…and stay connected to the community resources they need.